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Alternate (chiefly British) spelling for nationalization.



(Alternate spelling: nationalisation).
Changing something from private to state ownership or control; SYN. nationalisation.
Policy of bringing a country's essential services and industries under pu
blic ownership. It was pursued, for example, by the UK Labour government 1945–51. Subsequently the trend toward nationalization has slowed and in many countries (the UK, France, and Japan) reversed (privatization). Assets in the hands of foreign governments or companies may also be nationalized; for example, Iran's oil industry (see Abadan), the Suez Canal, and US-owned fruit plantations in Guatemala, all in the 1950s. + prikaži više



(Alternate spelling: socialisation).
1. The act of meeting for social purposes; SYN. socialisation, socializing.
2. The adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; SYN. socialisation, acculturation.
Process, beginning in childhood, by which a person becomes a member of a so
ciety, learning its norms, customs, laws, and ways of living. The main agents of socialization are the family, school, peer groups, work, religion, and the mass media. The main methods of socialization are direct instruction, rewards and punishment, imitation, experimentation, role play, and interaction.
Some agents of socialization, such as the family and the peer group, may conflict with each other, offering alternative goals, values, and styles of behavior. Socialization is of particular interest to psychologists, anthropologists, and sociologists, but there are diverse opinions about its methods and effects.
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