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Athanasie, Immortalität, bei fast allen Völkern verbreitete Vorstellung von einem Fortleben des Menschen nach dem Tod.
in den meisten Religionen angenommene Ewigkeit der Seele oder der konkreten Person in einer höheren, ird. nicht erkennbaren Existenz; im christl. Glaubensbekenntnis formuliert als 'Auferstehung des Fleisches und ein ewiges Leben'.

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Immortalität · Unendlichkeit · Unvergänglichkeit
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Immortality, quality of being eternal



ETYM Latin immortalitas: cf. French immortalité.
1. Perpetual life after death.
2. The quality or state of being immortal.
In religious belief, a state of perpetual or eternal life attributed to divine beings, mythical or angelic. A belief in immortality is common to many religions, though ea
ch has its own conception of perpetual life.
In some mythologies, for example Greek and Chinese, heroes or sages can become divine and therefore immortal. The ancient Egyptians believed in physical resurrection and took great care in the preservation of the dead body and the provision of food and material goods for the dead person. In Christian and Muslim thinking immortality also refers to the belief that human beings will enter a new form of eternal existence after physical death. Hinduism teaches that the soul, atman, has no beginning and no end; it is indestructible and transmigrates into another body after death.
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