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ETYM Old Eng. blak, as. blaec; akin to Icel. blakkr dark, swarthy, Swed. bläck ink, Dan. blaek, Old High Germ. blach, lg. and Dutch blaken to burn with a black smoke. Not akin to as. blâc, Eng. bleak pallid.
1. Being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light; SYN. achromatic.
2. Extremely dark; SYN. pitch-black, pitch-dark.
3. Dressed in black
4. Of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origin.
5. Stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable; SYN. dark, sinister.
6. (Of events) Having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin; SYN. calamitous, disastrous, fatal, fateful.
7. (Of intelligence operations) Deliberately misleading.
8. (Of the face) Made black especially as with suffused blood; SYN. blackened.
9. (Used of conduct or character) Deserving or bringing disgrace or shame; SYN. disgraceful, ignominious, inglorious, opprobrious, shameful.
10. Marked by anger or resentment or hostility.
11. Harshly ironic or sinister; SYN. grim, mordant.
12. Offering little or no hope; SYN. bleak, dim.
13. Soiled with dirt or soot.
14. (Of coffee) Without cream or sugar.
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ETYM as. unclene. Related to Unnot, and Clean.
(Religion) Ritually unclean or impure; SYN. impure.

Augean · bedraggled · befouled · begrimed · bespattered · besplashed · black · buggy · cobwebby · defiled · dingy · dirty · dirty-faced · draggled · dust-covered · dusty · faecal · fecal · feculent · filthy · flyblown · foul · fouled · greasy · grimy · grubby · grungy · impure · lousy · maculate · mucky · muddy · nasty · nonkosher · oily · ratty · raunchy · scummy · smudgy · smutty · snot-nosed · snotty · soiled · sooty · sordid · spattered · splashed · squalid · terefah · travel-soiled · travel-stained · tref · unclean · uncleanly · unswept · untidy · untouchable · unwashed + prikaži više



Not made pure.


Reč dana 17.09.2024.

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