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muški rodsleng, dijalekt
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ETYM Old Eng. dulte, prop. p. p. of dullen to dull. Related to Dull.
An idiot; a blockhead.

dullard · pillock · poor fish · pudden-head · pudding head · stupe · stupid · stupid person + prikaži više


imenicasleng, dijalekt

Nerd, also jerk.




ETYM Old Eng. gok, gowk, cuckoo, fool, Icel. gaukr cuckoo; akin to Old High Germ. gouh, German gauch cuckoo, fool, AS. géac cuckoo, Swed. gök, Dan. giög.
A simpleton; an oaf; one who gawks.

clod · goon · lout · lubber · lummox · lump · oaf · stumblebum + prikaži više


imenicasleng, dijalekt

An unsophisticated provincial person.

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A coarse obnoxious person; SYN. sloven, pig, slovenly person.

pig · sloven · slovenly person



ETYM Perhaps from an AS. word akin to Eng. gawk.
Not very intelligent or interested in culture; SYN. rube, hick, yahoo, hayseed, bumpkin, chawbacon.

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muški rodgramatikaptica

(Sulidae)Familie bis 1 m langer Meeresvögel (Ordnung Ruderfüßer) mit 9 Arten in den Küstenregionen trop. bis gemäßigter Meere. T. ernähren sich von Fischen, ihre Jungen bringen sie in großen Brutkolonien, meist auf Inseln, zur Welt. Bekannteste Art ist der etwa gänsegroße, weiße Baßtölpel, der v.a. an den Küsten Großbritanniens, Islands, S-Norwegens und Neufundlands verbreitet ist.

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ETYM Spanish bobo dunce, idiot; cf. Latin balbus stammering, Eng. barbarous.
Small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both.
Tropical seabird of the genus Sula, in the same family, Sulidae, as the northern gannet
. There are six species, including the circumtropical brown booby S. leucogaster. They inhabit coastal waters, and dive to catch fish. The name was given by sailors who saw the bird’s tameness as stupidity.
One species, Abbott’s booby, breeds only on Christmas Island, in the western Indian Ocean. Unlike most boobies and gannets it nests high up in trees. Large parts of its breeding ground have been destroyed by phosphate mining, but conservation measures now protect the site.
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boob · dope · dumbbell · dummy · pinhead



ETYM Old Eng. gant, AS. ganet, ganot, a sea fowl, a fen duck; akin to Dutch gent gander, Old High Germ. ganazzo. Related to Gander, Goose.
Large heavily built seabi
rd with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish.
N Atlantic seabird Sula bassana in the same family (Sulidae) as the boobies. When fully grown, it is white with black-tipped wings having a span of 1.7 m/5.6 ft. The young are speckled. It breeds on cliffs in nests made of grass and seaweed. Only one (white) egg is laid.
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ETYM French geai, Old Fren. gai, jaj, perh. from Old High Germ. gâhi. Related to Gay.
Crested largely blue bird.
Any of several birds of the crow
family Corvidae, generally brightly colored and native to Eurasia and the Americas. In the Eurasian common jay Garrulus glandarius, the body is fawn with patches of white, blue, and black on the wings and tail.
The blue jay Cyanocitta cristata, of the east and central US, has a crest and is very noisy and bold.
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Jay · John Jay
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Sulidae, Fam. gänsegroßer, starkschnäbeliger Ruderfüßer der Meeresküsten; Haupterzeuger des Guanos. Auf europ. Atlantikinseln lebt der Baß-T.

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