Trassierung prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Trassierung | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Bei Metallgegenständen linienförmige Treibarbeiten, die von der Rückseite des Werkstücks mit Punzen vorgenommen werden.
Das Aufsuchen u. Festlegen der Linie (Trasse), nach der eine Straße, Eisenbahn u. ä. im Gelände anzulegen ist.

(trassierter) Wechsel · Tratte · Ziehung



ETYM The same word as draught. Old Eng. draught, draht, from AS. dragan to draw. Related to Draw, Draught.
(Homonym: draught).
1. A current of air (usually coming into a room or vehicle); SYN. draught, air current.
2. A device for regulating the f
low of air in a fireplace.
3. A dose of liquid medicine; SYN. draught.
4. A preliminary sketch of a design or picture; SYN. rough drawing.
5. A serving of drink (usually alcoholic); SYN. draught, potation, tipple.
6. Preliminary version of a written work; SYN. draft copy, version.
7. The act of moving a load by drawing or pulling; SYN. draught, drawing.
9. The depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded).
Compulsory military service; also known as conscription.
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