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ETYM Cf. French purge. Related to Purge.
1. An act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other other undesired elements; SYN. purging, purgation.
2. The act of clearing oneself (or another) from some stigma or charge; SYN. purging, purgation.
Removal (for example, from a political party) o
f suspected opponents or persons regarded as undesirable (often by violent means). During the 1930s purges were conducted in the ussr under Joseph Stalin, carried out by the secret police against political opponents, Communist Party members, minorities, civil servants, and large sections of the armed forces' officer corps. Some 10 million people were executed or deported to labor camps from 1934 to 1938.
In 1934 the Nazis carried out a purge of their party and a number of party leaders were executed for an alleged plot against Adolf Hitler. Later purges include communist purges in Hungary 1949, Czechoslovakia 1951, and China 1955.
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