Störgeräusch prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby; SYN. babbling.

babbling · lallation

background noise


The noise inherent in a line or circuit, independent of the presence of a signal. See also noise. Extraneous noise contaminating sound measurements that cannot be separated from the desired signal; SYN. ground noise.
The total noise floor from all sources of interference in a measurement system, independent of the presence of a data signal.

ground noise



In physics, the phenomenon of two or more wave motions interacting and combining to produce a resultant wave of larger or smaller amplitude (depending on whether the combining waves are in or out of phase with each other).
Interference of white light (multiwavelength) results in spectral colored fringes; for example, the iridescent colors of oil films seen on water or soap bubbles (demonstrated by Newton's rings). Interference of sound waves
of similar frequency produces the phenomenon of beats, often used by musicians when tuning an instrument. With monochromatic light (of a single wavelength), interference produces patterns of light and dark bands. This is the basis of holography, for example. Interferometry can also be applied to radio waves, and is a powerful tool in modern astronomy.
1. The act or state of interfering
2. The mutual influence, under certain conditions, of two streams of light, or series of pulsations of sound, or, generally, two waves or vibrations of any kind.
3. Confusion or comingling of incompatible forces
1. Noise or other external signals that affect the performance of a communications channel.
2. Electromagnetic signals that can disturb radio or television reception. The signals can be generated naturally, as in lightning, or by electronic devices, such as computers.
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disturbance · encumbrance · hinderance · hindrance · hitch · incumbranc · intervention · noise · preventative · preventive + prikaži više

static noise


Reč dana 07.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, hemija
imenica, geografija
muški rod, telekomunikacije