Stimmritze prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Stimmritze | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodanatomija
Glottis · Rima glottidis
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ETYM New Lat., from Greek; epi upon + glottis, tongue. Related to Glottis.
A flap of cartilage that covers the windpipe while swallowing.
Small flap located behind the root of the tongue in mammals. It closes off the end of the windpipe during swallowing
to prevent food from passing into it and causing choking.
The action of the epiglottis is a highly complex reflex process involving two phases. During the first stage a mouthful of chewed food is lifted by the tongue toward the top and back of the mouth. This is accompanied by the cessation of breathing and by the blocking of the nasal areas from the mouth. The second phase involves the epiglottis moving over the larynx while the food passes down into the esophagus.
Throat cartilage protecting the windpipe in swallowing.
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ETYM New Lat., from Greek, from glottis, the tongue. Related to Gloss an explanatory remark.
The vocal apparatus of
the larynx; the true vocal folds and the space between them where the voice tone is generated.
Chinklike space between the vocal cords. Philology, study of the rate at which changes take place in a language, especially in divergent branches.
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Stimmritze | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod
Glottis · Rima glottidis
Prevedi Stimmritze na:

srpski · francuski

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