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Chorherr · Kanoniker
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ETYM Old Eng. canon, canoun, AS. canon rule (cf. French canon, Late Lat. canon.
1. A collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired.
2. A contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts.
3. A priest who is a member of a cathedral chapter.
4. A rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundame
ntal in a field or art or philosophy:.
Law; code, especially ecclesiastical; criterion; authentic or accepted books especially of Bible; list; Music, part-song in which opening passage is strictly repeated.
(religious writings) In theology, the collection of writings that is accepted as authoritative in a given religion, such as the Tripitaka in Theravada Buddhism. In the Christian church, it comprises the books of the Bible.
The canon of the Old Testament was drawn up at the assembly of rabbis held at Jamnia in Palestine between AD 90 and 100; certain excluded books were included in the Apocrypha.
The earliest list of New Testament books is known as the Muratorian Canon (about 160–70). Bishop Athanasius promulgated a list (about 365) which corresponds with that in modern Bibles.(priest) In the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, a type of priest.
Canons, headed by the dean, are attached to a cathedral and constitute the chapter.(Homonym: canon).
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