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weißer, poröser keram. Werkstoff, meist glasiert. S. ist bes. für die Herstellung von Wandfliesen, Sanitärkeramik und Geschirr geeignet. 1720 von John Astbury in Staffordshire, England, entwickelt, trat das S. in Wettbewerb mit der Fayence und dem Prozellan, insbes. durch das 1752 von John Sadler erfundene und gut auf S. anwendbare Umdruckverfahren: Mit keram. Farben eingeriebenen Kupferplatten bedruckte man Seidenpapier, das auf das S.gefäß aufgepreßt wurde; die noch feuchte Wandung nahm so die Farbe sofort auf. Erst mit der maschinellen Porzellanherstellung bekam die S.produktion wieder Konkurrenz.
weißes bis cremefarbenes feinkeramisches Erzeugnis mit porösem Scherben; Rohstoffe: weißbrennende reine Tone, Kaolin, Quarz, Feldspat oder auch Kalkspat. Das S. wurde um 1720 in England (Staffordshire) erfunden u. dort von J. Wedgwood um 1765 verbessert.

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Made of porous clay fired at low heat.
Pottery made of porous clay and fired at relatively low temperatures of up to 1,200ş C/2,200ş F. It does not vitrify but remains porous, unless glazed. Earthenware may be unglazed (flowerpots, wine-coolers) or glazed (most tableware); the glaze and body characteristical
ly form quite separate layers).
The most ancient pottery was fired earthenware (terracotta), which is known to date back to the Mesolithic period in N Europe and E Africa. Today, pots fired in the traditional method for local use in parts of South America, Indonesia, Africa, and the Indian subcontinent are sometimes burnished to a smooth finish, which strengthens them. They often have an attractively uneven distribution of shades due to different rates of oxidization in the low temperature of an open fire (about 600şC/1,000şF); kiln-fired pots (fired at 1,000–1,200şC/1,832–2,200şF) are more evenly colored and matt.
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A strong opaque ceramic ware that is high-fired, well vitrified, and nonporous
Is high-fired, vitrified and nonporous.
Very hard, opaque, water-resistant pottery made of non-porous clay with fe
ldspar and a high silica content, fired to the point of vitrification (1,200–1,280ş C/2,192–2,336ş f).
Glazing decorates and gives it a smooth finish; it usually fires to shades of gray or buff, though some red stonewares do exist. The earliest examples are Chinese, from the 10th to 3rd centuries bc.
From the 9th century ad stoneware was made in N Europe; in Britain from the late 17th century.
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