starker Konjunkturrückgang prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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starker Konjunkturrückgang

muški rod
(sich) abschwächende Konjunktur · Abschwung · Flaute · kontraktive Phase · Minuswachstum · Rezession · schwächelnde Konjunktur · stark negatives Wirtschaftswachstum + prikaži više



A noticeable decline in performance:; SYN. slack, drop-off, falloff, falling off.
In the business or business cycle,
the period of time when the economy is in depression, unemployment is very high, and national income is well below its full employment level. In the uk, the economy experienced a slump in the 1930s (the Great Depression), in 1980–81, and 1990–92. + prikaži više

depression · drop-off · economic crisis · falling off · falloff · slack + prikaži više

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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