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Stanley | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Sir Henry Morton, eigtl. John Rowlands, 1841, 1904, brit. Journalist u. Forschungsreisender; fand 1871 den in O-Afrika verschollenen D. Livingstone; durchquerte 1874–77 erstmalig Zentralafrika auf dem Kongo; fand u. befreite 1887–89 Emin Pascha.


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Adopted name of John Rowlands (1841-1904) Welsh-born US explorer and journalist who made four expeditions to Africa. He and David Livingstone met at Ujiji 1871 and explored Lake Tanganyika. He traced the course of the river Zaďre (Congo) to the sea 1874–77, established the Congo Free State (Zaire) 1879–84, and charted much of the interior 1887–89.
Stanley worked his passage over to America when he was 18. He fought on both sides in the US Civil War. He worked for the New York Herald from 1867, and in 1871 he was sent by the editor James Gordon Bennett (1795–1872) to find the ailing Livingstone, which he did on 10 Nov. From Africa he returned to the UK and was elected to Parliament 1895.
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Stanley | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Wendell Meredith, 1904, 1971, US-amerik. Chemiker u. Biologe; führte grundlegende Untersuchungen über die Viren, bes. das Tabak-Mosaik-Virus, durch; Nobelpreis für Chemie 1946.


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(1904-1971) US biochemist who crystallized the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in 1935. He demonstrated that, despite its crystalline state, TMV remained infectious. Together with John Northrop and James Sumner, Stanley received the 1946 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

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pridev, medicina
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