sozial prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Gesellig, gesellschaftl., auf die Gesellschaft bezogen; menschenfreundlich.
ETYM. latin.
1. Gesellschaftl., d
ie gesellschaftl. Beziehungen der Menschen untereinander betreffend.
2. Auf das Gemeinwohl gerichtet; gemeinnützig; hilfsbereit, wohltätig.
3. In der Zoologie Bez. für gesellig lebend (von Tieren, v.a. staatenbildenden Insekten).

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ETYM Latin socialis, from socius a companion; akin to sequi to follow: cf. French social. Related to Sue to follow.
1. Relating to human society and i
ts members; SYN. societal.
2. Living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups.
3. Marked by friendly companionship with others.
4. Composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability.
5. Relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society.
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