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muški rodgramatika

Johannes, 1874, 1932, östr. Politiker; 1921/22 u. 1929/30 Bundeskanzler, 1930–32 Außen-Min.

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ETYM Old Eng. bern, AS. berern, bern; bere barley + ern, aern, a close place. Related to Barley.
1. An outlying farm building for storing grain or animal feed and housing farm animals.
2. (Physics) A unit of nuclear cross section.
Unit of cross-sectional area of atom or atomic nucleus.
Farm buildi
ng traditionally used for the storage and processing of cereal crops and hay. On older farmsteads, the barn is usually the largest building. It is often characterized by ventilation openings rather than windows and has at least one set of big double doors for access. Before mechanization, wheat was threshed by hand on a specially prepared floor inside these doors.
Tithe barns were used in feudal England to store the produce paid as a tax to the parish priest by the local occupants of the land. In the Middle Ages, monasteries often controlled the collection of tithes over a wide area and, as a result, constructed some enormous tithe barns.
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A stack of hay; SYN. hayrick, rick.

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1. A stack (as of hay) in the open air
2. A pile of material (as cordwood) split from short logs
Also known as stack or haystack; A large and carefully built heap of loose hay or straw. Traditi
onally, it was thatched on top to keep out the rain.
Until the late 1940s free-standing ricks were the universal method of storing hay or straw, and the method is still used on some small farms. Considerable skill is required to achieve a regular shape and to thatch the rick effectively. The introduction of baling machinery made the rick obsolete, and thatch has been largely replaced by plastic sheeting.
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