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muški rodgramatika

deutl. parallel angeordnete, in dünnen, ebenen Platten spaltbare Gesteine; i.e.S. die durch Metamorphose entstandenen kristallinen S. u. die durch tekton. Druck entstandenen Ton-S.

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ETYM Greek, divided, divisible, from schizein to divide: cf. French schiste. Related to Schism.
Any metamorphic rock that can be split
into thin layers.
Foliated metamorphic crystalline rock.
Metamorphic rock containing mica or another platy or elongate mineral, whose crystals are aligned to give a foliation (planar texture) known as schistosity. Schist may contain additional minerals such as garnet.
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ETYM as. scealy, scalu. Related to Scalme, Shell.
A sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive layers of clay.
Laminated rock of consoli
dated clay or mud.
Fine-grained and finely layered sedimentary rock composed of silt and clay. It is a weak rock, splitting easily along bedding planes to form thin, even slabs (by contrast, mudstone splits into irregular flakes). Oil shale contains kerogen, a solid bituminous material that yields petroleum when heated.
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ETYM Old Eng. slat, Old Fren. esclat a shiver, splinter, French éclat, from Old Fren. esclater to shiver, to chip, French éclater, from Old High Germ. sliezen to tear, slit, split, from slîzan to slit, German schleissen. Related to Slit, Eclat.
1. A fine-grained metamorphic rock that can be split into th
in layers.
2. (Formerly) A writing tablet made of slate.
3. A list of candidates to be considered for nomination or election to public offices.
4. Thin layers of rock used for roofing; SYN. slating.
Fine-grained, usually gray metamorphic rock that splits readily into thin slabs along its cleavage planes. It is the metamorphic equivalent of shale.
Slate is highly resistant to atmospheric conditions and can be used for writing on with chalk (actually gypsum). Quarrying slate takes such skill and time that it is now seldom used for roof and sill material except in restoring historic buildings.
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