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sweet potato


1. Edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine grown widely in warm regions of the United States.
2. Pantropical vine widely cultivated in several varieties
for its large sweet orange-fleshed tuberous root; SYN. sweet potato vine, Ipomoea batatas.
3. The fleshy root of the sweet potato vine.
Tropical American plant Ipomea batatas of the morning-glory family Convolvulaceae; the white-orange tuberous root is used as a source of starch and alcohol and eaten as a vegetable.
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Ipomoea batatas · ocarina · sweet potato vine



Any climbing plant of the genus Dioscorea, family Dioscoreaceae, cultivated in tropical regions; its starchy tubers are eaten as a vegetable. The Mexican yam D. composita contains a chemical used in the manufacture of the contraceptive pill.
1. Any of a number of tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea many having edible tuberous roots; SYN. yam plant.
2. Edible tuber of any of several yams.
3. Edible tuberous root of various yam plants of the genus Dioscorea grown in the tropics world-wide for food.
4. Sweet potato with deep orange flesh that remains moist when baked.
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yam plant

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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