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Rezession | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Phase des Konjunkturzyklus: der Beginn des Abschwungs im Konjunkturverlauf; auch ein Nachlassen der Wachstumsrate der Volkswirtschaft.
(lat.)im Konjunkturzyklus die Phase des Abschwungs, zumeist einhergehend mit anhalten Kursverlusten an der Börse.

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1. The act of ceding back; SYN. ceding back.
2. The state of the economy declines; a widespread decline in the gdp and employment and t
rade lasting from six months to a year.
In economics, a fall in business activity lasting more than a few months, causing stagnation in a country's output.
The average decline has been about 10% although some recessions, such as 1981–82, can be longer and more severe.
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