Repression prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Repression | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Unterdrückung, Bedrückung, Einengung; gegen die herrschende Gesellschaftsordnung gerichtetes Schlagwort der antiautoritären Bewegungen ab 1966/67.
(lat.)Unterdrückung, Schlagwort der außerparlamentar. Linken v.a. in den 1960-er/1970-er Jahren zur Brandmarkung des angebl. unterdrücker. kapitalist. Staates.

Oppression · Unterdrückung
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ETYM Cf. French répression.
In psychology, a mental process that ejects and excludes from consciousness ideas, impulses, or memories that would otherwise threaten emotional stability.
In the Austrian psychiatri
st Sigmund Freud's early writing, repression is controlled by the censor, a hypothetical mechanism or agency that allows ideas, memories, and so on from the unconscious to emerge into consciousness only if distorted or disguised, as for example in dreams.
1. A state of forcible subjugation.
2. The classical defense mechanism that protects one from impulses or ideas that would cause anxiety by preventing them from becoming conscious.
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