Ray prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Man, 1890, 1976, US-amerik. Photograph, Maler u. Filmschaffender.


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Adopted name of Emmanuel Rudnitsky (1890-1976)
US photographer, painter, and sculptor. He was active mainly in France and was associated with the Dada movement. His pictures often showed Surrealist images, for example the photograph Le Violon d’In
gres 1924.
Man Ray was born in Philadelphia, but lived mostly in Paris from 1921. He began as a painter and took up photography in 1915, the year he met the Dada artist Duchamp in New York. In 1922 he invented the rayograph, a black-and-white image obtained without a camera by placing objects on sensitized photographic paper and exposing them to light; he also used the technique of solarization (partly reversing the tones on a photograph). His photographs include portraits of many artists and writers.
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Ray | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Werke: »Johnny Guitar – Wenn Frauen hassen«, »… denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun«.


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Adopted name of Raymond Nicholas Kienzle (1911-1979) US film director. He was critically acclaimed for his socially aware dramas that concentrated on the individual as an outsider, such as They Live by Night 1948 and Rebel Without a Cause 1955. Other films include In a Lonely Place 1950 and 55 Days at Peking 1963.

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