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Ranke | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

Leopold von, Wiehe bei Halle 21.12.1795, +Berlin 23.5.1886, dt. Historiker, 1841 preuß. Staatshistoriograph. R. begründete mit seinem umfangreichen Werk (54 Bde, 1867/1890) die quellenkrit. Methode der Geschichtswiss., die nach ihm objektiv zu berichten habe, 'wie es eigentl. gewesen' sei; u.a. 'Die röm. Päpste der letzten vier Jh.' (1834/1836), 'Dt. Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation' (1839/1847), 'Weltgeschichte' (1881/1888).

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ETYM Latin, lock, curl, ringlet.
1. A slender flexible animal appendage as on barnacles or crinoids or many insects; often tactile.
2. A wispy white cloud (usually of fine ice crystals) at a high altitude (4 to 8 miles); SYN. cirrus cloud.
3. Usually coiled; SYN. cirrhus.
Tendril; high, fine, thin cloud.

cirrhus · cirrus cloud



ETYM Shortened from Old Fren. tendrillon, from French tendre tender; hence, properly, the tender branch or spring of a plant: cf. French tendrille. Related to Tender, Tendron.
Slender stemlike structure by which some twining plants attach themselves to an object for support.
botany, a slender, threadlike structure that supports a climbing plant by coiling around suitable supports, such as the stems and branches of other plants. It may be a modified stem, leaf, leaflet, flower, leaf stalk, or stipule (a small appendage on either side of the leaf stalk), and may be simple or branched. The tendrils of Virginia creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia are modified flower heads with suckerlike pads at the end that stick to walls, while those of the grapevine Vitis grow away from the light and thus enter dark crevices where they expand to anchor the plant firmly. + prikaži više

Ranke | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Leopold von, 1795, 1886, dt. Historiker; 1825–71 Prof. in Berlin; schuf mit der Quellenkritik die Grundlagen der modernen Geschichtswiss. u. formte den Historismus.

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muški rodlično ime

von (1795-1886) German historian whose quest for objectivity in history had great impact on the discipline. His attempts to explain “how it really was” dominated both German and outside historical thought until 1914 and beyond. His Weltgeschichte/World History (nine volumes 1881–88) exemplified his ideas.
Ranke pioneered empirical research and the analysis of sources. His ideas were often regarded as the beginning of “modern” history. He published extensively on a wide range of topics, including the development of the German peoples and Die romischen Papste, ihre Kirche und ihr Staat im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert/History of the Popes in the 16th and 17th Centuries 1834–36.
He was professor of history at Berlin University from 1825 until his death.
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