Radioaktivität prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Radioaktivität | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Die R. wurde 1896 erstmalig von H. Becquerel beim Uran beobachtet; 1898 wurden von dem Ehepaar Curie die radioaktiven Elemente Polonium u. Radium aus der Joachimsthaler Pechblende isoliert. Der erste Fall von künstl. R. wurde 1934 von dem Ehepaar Joliot-Curie bei der Bestrahlung von Aluminium mit a-Strahlen beobachtet, wobei radioaktiver Phosphor entsteht.

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Spontaneous decay of some isotopes in nuclei.
Radiation resulting from radioactive decay; SYN. activity.
Spontaneous alteration of the nuclei of radioactive atoms, accompanied by the emission of radiation. It is the property exhibited by the radioactive isotopes of stable elements and all isotopes of radioactive elements, and can be either natural or induced. See radioactive decay.
Radioactivity establishes an equilibrium in parts of the nuclei of unstable radioactive substances, ultimately to form a stable
arrangement of nucleons (protons and neutrons); that is, a non-radioactive (stable) element. This is most frequently accomplished by the emission of alpha particles (helium nuclei); beta particles (electrons and positrons); or gamma radiation (electromagnetic waves of very high frequency). It takes place either directly, through a one-step decay, or indirectly, through a number of decays that transmute one element into another. This is called a decay series or chain, and sometimes produces an element more radioactive than its predecessor.
The instability of the particle arrangements in the nucleus of a radioactive atom (the ratio of neutrons to protons and/or the total number of both) determines the lengths of the half-lives of the isotopes of that atom, which can range from fractions of a second to billions of years. All isotopes of atomic weight 210 and greater are radioactive. Alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are ionizing in their effect and are therefore dangerous to body tissues, especially if a radioactive substanceis ingested or inhaled.
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