Präposition prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Verhältniswort, unflektierbare Wortart zur Bez. des räuml., zeitl. oder log. Verhältnisses, in dem ein Nomen zum Rest des Satzes steht (z.B. vor, über).

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ETYM Latin praepositio, from praeponere to place before; prae before + ponere to put, place: cf. French préposition. Related to Position, Provost.
A function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word.
In grammar, a part of speech co
ming before a noun or a pronoun to show a location (in, on), time (during), or some other relationship (for example, figurative relationships in phrases like “by heart” or “on time”).
In the sentence “Put the book on the table”, on is a preposition governing the noun “table” and relates the verb “put” to the phrase “the table”, indicating where the book should go. Some words of English that are often prepositional in function may, however, be used adverbially, as in the sentences “He picked the book up” and “He picked up the book”, in which the ordering is different but the meaning the same. In such cases up is called an adverbial particle and the form pick up is a phrasal verb.
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