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ženski rod

Beeinflussung der öffentl. Meinung durch Wort, Schrift, Bild, Musik, Sinnbild u. Aktion; hpts. in polit. Absicht.
(lat.)Beeinflussung und Steuerung von
Meinungen durch Werbung, Agitation, selektive bis manipulative Information, Suggestion, Zensur u.a. P. ist v.a. ein Mittel der Beeinflussung oder Bildung polit. Überzeugungen (z.B. bei Wählern) und zur Selbstdarstellung in der Öffentlichkeit, dem Ausland gegenüber oder zur Imagebildung (z.B. von polit. Parteien).

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ETYM French avertisement, formerly also spelled advertissement, a warning, giving notice, from avertir.
1. A public notice, especially a paid notice in some public medium (television, newspaper, etc.); anything that advertises.
2. The act of informing or notifying; notification.
3. Admonition; advice; warning.



ETYM Abbrev. from Latin de propaganda fide: cf. French propagande. Related to Propagate.
Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.
Systematic spreading (propagation) of information or disinformation, usually to promote a religious or political doctrine with the intention of instilling particular attitudes or responses. As a system of disseminating
information it was considered a legitimate instrument of government, but became notorious through the deliberate distortion of facts or the publication of falsehoods by totalitarian regimes, notably Nazi Germany.
The word is derived from the activities of a special sacred congregation of the Roman Catholic Church (de propaganda fide) which sought to spread the faith and recruit members.
In the us in the 1980s, the term “public diplomacy” was introduced. Government-sponsored reports and articles were presented to the media as independent sources, especially on the subject of Central America.
There are various forms of propaganda: black propaganda (a pack of lies), gray propaganda (half-truths and distortions), and white propaganda (the truth).
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije