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Priestley | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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John Boynton, 1894, 1984, brit. Schriftst.; schildert in Romanen u. Dramen humorvoll die Welt des engl. Mittelstands.


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(1894-1984) English novelist and playwright. His first success was a novel about traveling theater, The Good Companions 1929.
He followed it with a realist novel about London life, An
gel Pavement 1930. As a playwright he was often preoccupied with theories of time, as in An Inspector Calls 1945.
Priestley had a gift for family comedy, for example, the play When We Are Married 1938. He was also known for his wartime broadcasts and literary criticism, such as Literature and Western Man 1960. Later novels include Lost Empires 1965 and The Image Men 1968.
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Priestley | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Joseph, 1733, 1804, brit. Naturforscher u. Philosoph; entdeckte u. a. Sauerstoff, Ammoniak, Chlorwasserstoff u. Kohlenmonoxid.


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(1733-1804) English chemist and Unitarian minister. He identified oxygen 1774 and several other gases. Dissolving carbon dioxide under pressure in water, he began a European craze for soda water.
Swedish chemist Karl Scheele independently prepared oxygen in 1772, but his tardiness in publication resulted in Priestley being credited with the discovery.
Priestley discovered nitric oxide (nitrogen monoxide, NO) 1772 and reduced it to nitrous oxide (dinitrogen monoxide, N2O). In the same year he became the first person to isolate gaseous ammonia by collecting it ov
er mercury (previously ammonia was known only in aqueous solution). In 1774 he found a method for producing sulfur dioxide (SO2).
Priestley was born near Leeds and became a cleric; as a Dissenter, he was barred from English universities. A meeting with US polymath Benjamin Franklin 1766 aroused his interest in science. As librarian and literary companion to Lord Shelburne 1773–80, Priestley accompanied him to France in 1774 and there met chemist Antoine Lavoisier. Priestley moved to Birmingham 1780 and joined the Lunar Society, an association of inventors and scientists that included James Watt, Matthew Boulton, Josiah Wedgwood, and Erasmus Darwin. In 1791 Priestley's chapel and house were sacked by a mob because of his support for the French Revolution. He fled to London, then emigrated to the US 1794, settling in Pennsylvania.
Priestley's early work was in physics, particularly electricity and optics. He established that electrostatic charge is concentrated on the outer surface of a charged body and that there is no internal force. From this observation he proposed an inverse square law for charges, by analogy with gravitation.
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Reč dana 04.10.2024.

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muški rod, mineral
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