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Um die Burgen Hradschin u. Vysehrad entstand im 6. Jh. n. Chr. eine slaw. Siedlung; sie wurde im 10. Jh. Residenz der Premysliden, 973 Bischofssitz, 1344 Erzbistum. 1255 erhielt die Altstadt dt. Stadtrecht; in der 2. Hälfte des 14. Jh. machte Kaiser Karl IV. P. zur Residenz u. Hptst. des Dt. Reichs. 1784 wurden die alten Stadtteile Hradschin, Altstadt, Kleinseite u. Neustadt administrativ zur Stadt P. zusammengeschlossen.

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Goldene Stadt · Hauptstadt von Tschechien · Praha
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1. Capital and largest city of Czechoslovakia; Also called: Praha, Prag, capital of Czechoslovakia.
2. City in Oklahoma (USA); zip code 74864.
3. Village in Nebraska (USA); zip code 68050.
(Czech Praha) City and capital of the Czech Republic on the river Vltava; est) 1,300,000. Industries include automobiles, aircraft, chemicals, paper and printing, clothing, brewing, and food processing. It was
the capital of Czechoslovakia 1918–93.
Charles University 1348; Gothic cathedral of St Vitus; Prague castle (Prasky-Hrad); Malá Strana, with 17th- and 18th-century mansions; Old Town.
14th century Prague became important during the reign of Charles IV, king of Bohemia and Moravia, and Holy Roman Emperor; he established the university and laid out the New Town.
15th century Hussite wars held back development.
1620 Battle of the White Mountain took place near Prague; the Czechs were defeated, and were ruled by the Hapsburgs until 1918.
1918 Czechoslovakia created; Prague became national capital.
1939 city occupied by Nazis.
1968 occupation by Soviet troops followed “Prague Spring”.
1989 protests in Prague led to fall of Communist regime.
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Czech capital · Prag · Prague · Praha

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