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muški rodlično ime

Jackson, amerik. Maler, Cody (Wyo.) 28.1.1912, +Easthampton (N.Y.) 11.8.1956, Hauptmeister des abstrakten Expressionismus. Wuchs im amerik. Westen auf, wo er an der Art Students League studierte. Endgültige Niederlassung in New York 1935, seit 1946 in Easthampton, wo er nach einem Autounfall starb. P. setzte sich mit allen Strömungen der europ. Kunst auseinander, die ihm durch Hans Hofmann, Duchamp, Mattá, Ernst, u.a. vermittelt wurden, v.a. mit dem Surrealismus. In der 1. Phase seiner Kunst, Anf. der 1940er Jahre, greifen seine Figuren ineinander und durchdringen sich wie Schriftzeichen. 1947 entstanden seine ersten Werke in der Technik des Dripping ('Tropfens'), durch die er zum Inaugurator des Action painting wurde.

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muški rodlično ime

(1912-1956) US painter. He was a pioneer of Abstract Expressionism and one of the foremost exponents of action painting. His style is characterized by complex networks of swirling, interwoven lines of great delicacy and rhythmic subtlety.
In the early 1940s Po
llock moved from a vivid Expressionist style, influenced by Mexican muralists such as Siqueiros and by Surrealism, toward a semiabstract style. The paintings of this period are colorful and vigorous, using enigmatic signs and mysterious forms. From 1947 he developed his more violently expressive abstracts, placing large canvases on the studio floor and dripping or hurling paint across them. He was soon recognized as the leading Abstract Expressionist and continued to develop his style, producing even larger canvases in the 1950s. + prikaži više

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