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Pablo, eigtl. Pablo Ruiz y P., span. Maler, Graphiker und Bildhauer, Málaga 25.10.1881, +Mougins (Alpes-Maritimes) 8.4.1973, Hauptmeister der 1. Hälfte des 20. Jh., Mitschöpfer des Kubismus, besuchte die Akademien in Barcelona und Madrid, 1900 zum ersten Mal in Paris, wurde von Toulouse-Lautrec, van Gogh und Cézanne beeinflußt und fand seinen eigenen Stil, 1904 Übersiedlung nach Paris. Die frühe Epoche war ab 1901 auf blauen Ton gestimmt ('blaue Periode'), ab ca. 1905 auf rosa Ton ('rosa Periode'). 1906 Bekanntschaft mit Braque und Matisse. Einfluß der Kunst der Naturvölker; Ablösung vom Naturvorbild; Beginn des Kubismus. Höhepunkt der 1. Phase des Kubismus ('Les Demoiselles d'Avignon', 1907, New York, Museum of Modern Art). Um 1909 2. Phase des Kubismus: der analytische K.; um 1911 begann eine Phase der 'Papiers collés' (Anwendung verschiedener Materialien). Um 1917 begann P. einen klassizist. Stil auszubilden von zarter Linienschönheit. In den 20er Jahren folgten surrealist. Einflüsse und eine ges

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(1881-1973) Spanish born painter important in the development of surrealism, especially via cubism and collage.
(1881-1973) Spanish artist. Active chiefly in France, he was one of the most inventive and prolific talents in 20th-century art. His Blue Period 1901–04 and Rose Period 1905–06 preceded the revolutionary Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907 (Museum of Modern Art, New York), which paved the way for Cubism. In the early
1920s he was considered a leader of the Surrealist movement. In the 1930s his work included metal sculpture, book illustration, and the mural Guernica 1937 (Prado, Madrid), a comment on the bombing of civilians in the Spanish Civil War. He continued to paint into his eighties.
Picasso was born in Málaga, son of an art teacher, José Ruiz Blasco, and an Andalusian mother, Maria Picasso López; he stopped using the name Ruiz 1898. He was a precocious artist by the age of 10, and at 16 was holding his first exhibition. In 1900 he made an initial visit to Paris, where he was to settle. From 1946 he lived mainly in the south of France where, in addition to painting, he experimented with ceramics, sculpture, sets for ballet (for example Parade 1917 for Diaghilev), book illustrations (such as Ovid’s Metamorphoses), and portraits (Stravinsky, Valéry, and others).
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