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Pech | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Rückstand bei der Destillation von Stein-, Braun- u. Holzkohlenteer u. Erdöl; enthält neben rußähnl. Substanzen noch hochmolekulare Kohlenwasserstoffe; schwarz bis bräunl., zäh, brennbar. Das weiße Faß-P. zum Auspichen der Bierfässer wird aus Fichtenharz, das schwarze Schuster-P. aus Holzkohlenteer hergestellt.
Uranpecherz, ein Mineral.

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bad luck


An unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate; SYN. mischance, mishap.

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ETYM Old Eng. pich, as. pic, Latin pix.
1. Any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue; SYN. tar.
2. The action or manner of throwing something.
3. The throwing of a base
ball by a pitcher to a batter; SYN. delivery.
4. The property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration.
5. Degree of deviation from a horizontal plane; SYN. rake, slant.
6. A high approach shot in golf; SYN. pitch shot.
7. (British) A vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk).
8. An all-fours card game in which the first card led is a trump; SYN. auction pitch.
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A viscous, sticky substance obtained from the distillation of wood, coal, or peat; used for waterproofing.
Dark brown or black viscous liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of coal, shale, and wood. Tars consist of a mixture of hydrocarbons, acids, and bases. Creosote and paraffin are produced from wood tar. See also coal tar.

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