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(lat.-griech.)'Schwingungsschreiber' zur unmittelbaren Beobachtung des zeitl. Verlaufs elektr. Schwingungen, Ströme und Impulse oder in diese umgewandelte Schwingungen anderer Art, aufgezeichnet in einem Oszillogramm. Ein O. besteht aus einer Elektronen- oder einer Kathodenstrahlröhre, deren Strahl als Punkt auf einem Bildschirm erscheint und von einem Ablenksystem bewegt wird.

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ETYM Latin oscillare to swing + -scope.
A test and measurement instrument that provides a visual display for an electrical signal. Most commonly, oscilloscopes are used to create a display of voltage over time. Also called: cathode-ray oscilloscope.
Instrument for dete
cting electrical fluctuations.
Instrument showing variations in electric potential, on a fluorescent screen by means of deflection of a beam of electrons.
Or cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) Instrument used to measure electrical voltages that vary over time and to display the waveforms of electrical oscillations or signals, by means of the deflection of a beam of electrons. Readings are displayed graphically on the screen of a cathode-ray tube.
Provides visual images of varying electrical quantities; SYN. scope, cathode-ray oscilloscope, CRO.
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ETYM Italian scopo, Latin scopos a mark, aim, Greek skopos, a watcher, mark, aim; akin to skopein to view, and perh. to Eng. spy. Related to Skeptic, Bishop.
An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control; SYN. range, reach, orbit, compass, ambit.

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