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Nuß | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatikaarhaično, zastarelo

(Metzgerei) Teilstück von der Keule bei Schlachttieren.

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Large, hard-shelled seed, usually coming from a tree.
Any dry, single-seeded fruit that does not split open to release the seed, such as the chestnut. A nut is formed from more than one carpel, but only one seed becomes fully formed, the remainder aborting. The wall of the fruit, the pericarp, becomes hard and woody, forming the outer shell.
Examples of true nuts are the ac
orn and hazelnut. The term also describes various hard-shelled fruits and seeds, including almonds and walnuts, which are really the stones of drupes, and brazil nuts and shelled peanuts, which are seeds. The kernels of most nuts provide a concentrated, nutritious food, containing vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, about 50% fat, and 10–20% protein, although a few, such as chestnuts, are high in carbohydrates and have only a moderate protein content of 5%. Nuts also provide edible and industrial oils. Most nuts are produced by perennial trees and shrubs. Whereas the majority of nuts are obtained from plantations, considerable quantities of pecans and brazil nuts are still collected from the wild. World production in the mid-1980s was about 4 million metric tons per year. + prikaži više

Nuß | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodbotanika

(Botanik) Einsamige Schließfrucht mit einer festen, oft holzigen Schale; hierzu Erdnüsse, Haselnüsse, Kokosnüsse, Paranüsse u. Walnüsse.

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ETYM Old Eng. hasel, AS. haesel; akin to Dutch hazelaar, German hazel, Old High Germ. hasal, hasala, Icel. hasl, Dan and Swed. hassel, Latin corylus, for cosylus.
1. Australian tree grown especially for ornament a
nd its fine-grained wood and bearing edible nuts; SYN. hazel tree, Pomaderris apetala.
2. The fine-grained wood of a hazelnut tree (genus Corylus) and the hazel tree (Australian genus Pomaderris).
Shrub or tree of the genus Corylus, family Corylaceae, including the European common hazel or cob C. avellana, of which the filbert is the cultivated variety.
North American species include the American hazel C. americana.
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Nus | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Nous, in der grch. Philosophie Geist, Vernunft, Sinn, Seele, Gedanke.

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