Nazismus prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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See Nazism.



A form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism; Also called: Naziism, national socialism.
Ideology based on racism, nationalism, and the supremacy of the state over the individual. The German Nazi party, the Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party), was for
med from the German Workers’ Party (founded 1919) and led by Adolf Hitler 1921–45.
During the 1930s, many similar parties were created throughout Europe and the US, although only those of Austria, Hungary, and Sudetenland were of major importance. These parties collaborated with the German occupation of Europe 1939–45. After the Nazi atrocities of World War II (see SS, concentration camp, Holocaust), the party was banned in Germany, but today parties with Nazi or neo-Nazi ideologies exist in many countries.
In a determined attempt to curb right-wing violence, the German government banned 6 neo-Nazi groups 1994–95.
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