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Republik auf der gleichnamigen Pazifikinsel 3 000 km nordöstl. von Australien, 21,3 km², 9 350 Einw., Hauptort Yaren, Amtssprache Englisch. N. lebt ausschließl. von Phosphatexport. Die Insel wurde 1798 entdeckt, 1888 dt. Schutzgebiet und nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg Völkerbundsmandat. 1942/1945 japan. besetzt, wurde N. danach UN-Treuhandgebiet und 1968 selbständig.

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Island country in Polynesia, SW Pacific, W of Kiribati.
The constitution dates from independence 1968. It provides for a single-chamber parliament of 18 members, elected by universal suffrage for a three-year term, and a president who is both head of state and head of government. The president and cabinet are elected by parliament from among its members and are responsible to it. The size of the country allows an intimate style of government, with the president able to combine several portfolios in a small cabinet of only five. Voting in parliamentary elections is compulsory.
Traditionally, members of parliament have been elected as independents and then grouped themselves into pro-and antigovernment factions. In 1987, however, the Democratic Party of Nauru was formed by the then opposition leader Kennan Adeang.
The first Europeans, Britons, arrived 1798 and called it Pleasant Island. The German empire seized it 1888. Nauru was placed under Australian administration by the League of Nations 1920, with the UK and New Zealand as cotrustees. Japan occupied and devastated Na
uru 1942–45, destroying its mining facilities and deporting two-thirds of its population to Truk Atoll in Micronesia, 1,600 km/1,000 mi to the northwest. In 1947 Nauru became a United Nations trust territory administered by Australia.
Internal self-government was attained 1966, and in 1968, on achieving full independence, Nauru became a “special member” of the Commonwealth, with no direct representation at meetings of heads of government. The chief of Nauru, Hammer DeRoburt, was elected president 1968 and reelected until 1983 with one interruption, 1976–78, when Bernard Dowiyogo was president. The Dec 1986 elections resulted in a hung parliament.
In the 1987 elections, DeRoburt secured a narrow majority. This prompted the defeated Kennan Adeang, who had briefly held power 1986, to establish the Democratic Party of Nauru as a formal opposition grouping.
In 1989 Adeang secured the ousting of DeRoburt on a vote of no confidence and Kensas Aroi became president, with Adeang as finance minister in the new government. According to Australian government sources, Aroi was DeRoburt’s “unacknowledged natural son”. Four months later Aroi resigned on the grounds of ill health and in the subsequent election was defeated by Bernard Dowiyogo, who was reelected 1992.
During 1922–68, Nauru's former trustees (Australia, New Zealand, and the UK) removed nearly all the island's phosphate-rich soil, leaving it barren. Nauru received $2.5 million for phosphate worth $65 million and had to pay Australia $20 million to keep the remaining soil. In 1993 Nauru issued a lawsuit against an Australian firm of solicitors for the recovery of $14 million of the island's trust fund. A claim against Australia for compensation for 60 years of environmental destruction was also made at the International Court of Justice. Nauru's residual phosphate supplies, which have earned $80 million a year, were due to run out 1995 and an economic diversification program had been launched. In 1994 Australia agreed to an out-of-court settlement of A$107 million, to which Britain and New Zealand would contribute A$12 million dollars.
An island republic on Nauru Island; phosphate exports support the economy.
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Nauru · Nauru Island · Pleasant Island · Republic of Nauru

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