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ženski rodgramatika

(Nasus)Organ für die Atmung und den Geruchssinn bei Wirbeltieren (von den Amphibien an) und Mensch, Endstück der Atemwege. Die N. besteht aus dem Nasenbein, dem von Haut überzogenen Nasenflügelknorpel, der Nasenscheidewand ud dem Nasenfortsatz des Oberkiefers. Die Luft wird durch die beiden Nasenlöcher ein- und ausgeatmet, die in die Nasenhöhle einmünden. Das Innere der N. ist mit Schleimhaut ausgekleidet, die das Riechepithel trägt.

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gib head




A projecting piece that is used to lift or support or turn something.



ETYM as. nosu.
(Homonym: knows).
1. The sense of smell (especially in animals).
2. The front or forward projection of a tool or weapon.
3. A front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft).
4. A natural skill.
5. A small distance.

nozzle · olfactory organ



The organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals; SYN. olfactory organ.
In humans, the upper entrance of the respiratory tract; the organ of the sense of smell.
The external part is divided down the middle by a septum of cartilage. The nostrils contain plates of cartilage that can be moved by muscles and have a growth of stiff hairs at the margin to prevent foreign objects from entering. The whole nasal cavity is lined with a mucous membrane that warms and moistens the air as it enters and ejects dirt. In the upper parts of the cavity the membrane contains 50 million olfactory receptor cells (cells sensitive to smell). + prikaži više

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