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Mössbauer | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Die rückstoßfreie Emmission oder Absorption von Spektrallinien der Gammastrahlung durch Atomkerne, die in ein Kristallgitter eingebaut sind. Wenn ein Atomkern im Gitter ein Gammaquant aussendet, muß nicht der einzelne Kern, sondern es kann der ganze Kristall den Rückstoß aufnehmen. Entsprechendes gilt für die Absorption. Es wird eine hohe Meßgenauigkeit für den Nachweis einiger Teile der Relativitätstheorie erreicht.

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(Ludwig) (1929-) German physicist who discovered in 1958 that under certain conditions an atomic nucleus can be stimulated to emit very sharply defined beams of gamma rays—a phenomenon that became known as the Mössbauer effect. For this work he shared the 1961 Nobel Prize for Physics.
Mössbauer was born in Munich, studied at the Munich Institute of Technology, and did postgraduate research in Heidelberg at the Max P
lanck Institute. In 1960 he went to the US and a year later became professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. He remained in this position while simultaneously holding a professorship at Munich.
Mössbauer began research into the effects of gamma rays on matter in 1953. The absorption of a gamma ray by an atomic nucleus usually causes it to recoil, so affecting the wavelength of the re-emitted ray. Mössbauer found that at low temperatures crystals will absorb gamma rays of a specific wavelength and resonate, so that the crystal as a whole recoils while the nuclei do not because they are tightly bound in the crystal lattice. This recoilless nuclear resonance absorption became known as the Mössbauer effect. The effect is exploited in Mössbauer spectroscopy, a useful tool in the study of the structure of solids.
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