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(griech. museion, Musenstätte, Forschungsstätte), seit 18. Jh. Bez. für Sammlung, Pflege, Erforschung, Wiederherstellung und Aufbereitung künstler., wiss. Sammelgutes (ebenso für die Gebäude). Das moderne M. umfaßt Labor, Bibliothek, Verwaltung, wiss. Personal, Präparatoren, Restauratoren, Techniker, Aufseher und eine angemessene Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Die sinnvolle Erläuterung und öffentliche Präsentation des gesammelten Kulturgutes (Museumspädagogik) umfaßt Medien wie Film, Diareihen, Führungen, Seminare u.ä. und zielt auf Bezüge der Exponate zur Gegenwart des Betrachters. Der internat. Zusammenschluß der Museen bei der UNESCO ist der IOM (International Council of Museums); seit 1929 existiert der Dt. Museumsbund. Heute ist das M. weitgehend nach Spezialthemen differenziert: Kunst-, Kunstgewerbe-, Völkerkunde-, Volkskunde-, archäolog., Naturkunde-, techn., Heimat-, Freilicht-, Spezial-M.

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ETYM Latin, a temple of the Muses, hence, a place of study, from Greek, a Muse.
A depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value.
A place or building for the storage and display of works of art, scientific specimens, or other objects of cultural importance.
In Ancient Greece the mouseion was a temple dedicated to the Muses. By the Renaissanc
e, the term museum was applied to the room where a scholar examined and studied his collection of classical antiquities. The notion of a national or state collection which could be viewed by the general public began as a result of the French Revolution and the opening of the Louvre Gallery 1793. Before that, the British Museum had been established by an act of Parliament 1753 as a public institution. More recently, museums have sought to combine the aims of scholarship and conservation with a more entertaining approach for the ordinary visitor.
A 1992 survey of 100 museums and institutions worldwide indicated that there were approximately 2.5 billion biological specimens held in public collections, but a third of these were in an extremely poor state. Each year 30 million specimens were lost through inadequate care.
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