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Monroe | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Marilyn, eigtl. Norma Jean Mortenson, 1926, 1962 (Selbstmord), US-amerik. Filmschauspielerin; Sexidol der 50er Jahre; in 3. Ehe 1956–61 verh. mit Arthur Miller. Bek. Filme: »Blondinen bevorzugt«, »Manche mögen's heiß«, »Misfits – Nicht gesellschaftsfähig«.


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Adopted name of Norma Jean Mortenson or Baker (1926-1962)
US film actress. The voluptuous blonde sex symbol of the 1950s, she made adroit comedies such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 1953, How to Marry a Millionaire 1953, Th
e Seven Year Itch 1955, Bus Stop 1956, and Some Like It Hot 1959.
Born in Los Angeles to a single mother often confined in mental institutions, she had a wretched childhood and married for the first time at the age of 16. Her second husband was baseball star Joe DiMaggio, and her third was playwright Arthur Miller, who wrote The Misfits 1960 for her, a serious film that became her last. She committed suicide, taking an overdose of sleeping pills.
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Monroe | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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James, 1758, 1831, US-amerik. Politiker (Jefferson-Republikaner); 1811–17 Außen-, 1814/15 auch Kriegs-Min.; 1817–25 (5.) Präs. der USA; ließ durch J.G. Adams Florida kaufen (1819); verkündete die M.-Doktrin (1823), die besagt, daß die USA sich nicht in europ. Verhältnisse einmischen würden, daß aber auch keinem europ. Staat die Einmischung in amerik. Verhältnisse oder die Schaffung von Kolonien in Amerika gestattet sein solle (»Amerika den Amerikanern«).

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(1758-1831) 5th president of the US 1817–25, a Democratic Republican. He served in the American Revolution, was minister to France 1794–96, and in 1803 negotiated the Louisiana Purchase. He was secretary of state 1811–17. His name is associated with the Monroe Doctrine.
Monroe was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He attended the College of William and Mary and studied law under his lifelong friend Thomas Jefferson. Monroe served in the Virginia legislature 1782, in the US Senate 1790–94, and as governor of Virginia 1799–1802. During the Constitutional Convention he opposed ratification, fearing a central government with excessive power. As president, he presided over the so-called Era of Good Feeling, a period of domestic tranquillity. He took no firm stand on the question of slavery, making his mark in foreign policy. + prikaži više

Monroe | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Harriet, 1860, 1936, US-amerik. Schriftst.; förderte die moderne Lyrik durch ihre Zeitschrift »Poetry«.

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