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muški rodlično ime

Daniel Arap, 1924, kenian. Politiker; seit 1978 Staats-Präs.


muški rodlično ime

(1924-) Kenyan politician, president from 1978. Leader of Kenya African National Union (KANU), he became minister of home affairs 1964, vice president 1967, and succeeded Jomo Kenyatta as president. He enjoys the support of Western governments but has been widely criticized for Kenya's poor human-rights record. Sine 1988 his rule has become increasingly authoritarian. In 1991, in the face of widespread criticism, he promised an eventual introduction of multiparty politics. In 1992 he was elected president in the first free elections amid widespread accusations of vote rigging. + prikaži više

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(Volk) In Vietnam die Bergvölker (Kha).

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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