Mobilität prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Mobilität | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

ETYM. latin.
1. Allg. Beweglichkeit, Bereitschaft, Ort, Aufgabenbereich oder Gewohnheiten zu wechseln.
2. In der Bevölkerungsstatistik die Häufigkeit des Wohnsitzwechsels; der Grad der M. wird durch die M.ziffer ausgedrückt.

Prevedi Mobilität na:

srpski · francuski



ETYM Latin mobilitas: cf. French mobilité.
In economics, the degree of movement of the factors of production from one occupation to another (occupational mobil
ity) or from one region to another (regional mobility). The labor mobility of unskilled workers is not very great in the UK, for example, because of the lack of knowledge about jobs between one part of the country and another and because it is so difficult to find affordable housing in some areas.
The quality of moving freely.
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Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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