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ženski rodgramatika

(griech.-frz.)mechan. Vorrichtung, die eine Energieform in eine andere umwandelt oder gelieferte Energie in Arbeit umsetzt.

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ETYM French engin skill, machine, engine, Latin ingenium natural capacity, invention; in in + the root of gignere to produce. Related to Genius, Ingenious, Gin a snare.
1. Converts thermal energy to mechanical work.
2. Something used to achieve a purpose.
/> Device for converting stored energy into useful work or movement. Most engines use a fuel as their energy store. The fuel is burned to produce heat energy—hence the name “heat engine”—which is then converted into movement. Heat engines can be classified according to the fuel they use (gasoline engine or diesel engine), or according to whether the fuel is burned inside (internal combustion engine) or outside (steam engine) the engine, or according to whether they produce a reciprocating or rotary motion (turbine or Wankel engine). + prikaži više

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ETYM French, from Latin machina machine, engine, device, trick, Greek, from mechane means, expedient. Related to Mechanic.
1. Any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks.
2. An intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently.
3. An efficient person.
4. A group that controls the activities of a political party; SYN. political machine.
5. A dev
ice for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point; SYN. simple machine.
Device that allows a small force (the effort) to overcome a larger one (the load). There are three basic machines: the inclined plane (ramp), the lever, and the wheel and axle. All other machines are combinations of these three basic types. Simple machines derived from the inclined plane include the wedge, the gear, and the screw; the spanner is derived from the lever; the pulley from the wheel.
The principal features of a machine are its mechanical advantage, which is the ratio of load to effort, its velocity ratio, and its efficiency, which is the work done by the load divided by the work done by the effort; the latter is expressed as a percentage. In a perfect machine, with no friction, the efficiency would be 100%. All practical machines have efficiencies of less than 100%, otherwise perpetual motion would be possible.
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