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(Pflanzen, Lebensmittel) Die Frucht der Edelkastanie; Kastanie.

Edelkastanie · Esskastanie · Röstkastanie
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ETYM For chesten-nut; Old Eng. chestein, chesten, chastein, chestnut, from AS. cisten in cisten-beám chestnut tree, influenced by Old Fren. chastaigne.
1. Edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea.
2. Any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible
nuts in a prickly bur; SYN. chestnut tree.
3. Wood of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea.
4. A dark golden-brown or reddish-brown horse.
5. A small horny callus on the inner surface of a horse's leg.
Tree of the genus Castanea, belonging to the beech family Fagaceae. The Spanish or sweet chestnut C. sativa produces edible nuts inside husks; its timber is also valuable. Horse chestnuts are quite distinct, belonging to the genus Aesculus, family Hippocastanaceae.
Horse chestnuts are also called buckeyes. The American chestnut C. dentata was a valued hardwood until it was virtually destroyed by an introduced fungus.
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chestnut tree

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