Magnetfeld prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Magnetfeld | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Bez. für den Zustand des Raums in der Umgebung eines Dauer- oder Elektromagneten. Im M. wirken auf andere Magnete u. Eisenteile Anziehungs- u. Ausrichtungskräfte. Das M. wird veranschaulicht durch die Feldlinien, die in jedem Punkt die Richtung der Kraft haben, die auf einen isolierten magnet. Nordpol im Feld wirken würde.

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magnetic field


The space around a magnetic object in which magnetic force acts. A magnetic field is conceived of as consisting of flux lines that originate at the north magnetic pole and terminate at the south magnetic pole.
The lines of force surrounding a permanent mag
net or a moving charged particle; SYN. magnetic flux, flux.
Region around a permanent magnet, or around a conductor carrying an electric current, in which a force acts on a moving charge or on a magnet placed in the field. The field can be represented by lines of force, which by convention link north and south poles and are parallel to the directions of a small compass needle placed on them. A magnetic field's magnitude and direction are given by the magnetic flux density, expressed in teslas. See also polar reversal.
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