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ženski rodgramatika

(pers.-griech.)Sammelbez. für alle Formen der Weltbewältigung und -deutung durch zauber. Kräfte. Die M., Teil des Kults vieler Religionen und Grundlage esoter. Modelle, sucht durch Beschwörung (Segen, Kraftübertragung, Analogiezauber u.a.) Energien zu aktivieren oder zu schaffen, die erwünschte Ergebnisse auf wiss. nicht erklärbare Weise bewirken. Zugrunde liegen dem Vorstellungen von geheimnisvollen, nur Eingeweihten zugängl. Zusammenhängen, die sich in bestimmten Zeichen manifestieren (Aberglauben). Man unterscheidet schwarze M., die sich gegen Feinde richtet, und weiße M., die Segen und Glück für die eigene Gruppe erreichen will.

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ETYM Old Eng. magique, Latin magice, Greek magikos, from makos sorcerer. Related to Magic, and Magi.
Any art that invokes supernatural powers.
Art of controlling the forces of nature by supernatural means such as charms and ritual. The central ideas are that like produces like (sympathetic magic) and that influenc
e carries by contagion or association; for example, by the former principle an enemy could be destroyed through an effigy, by the latter principle through personal items such as hair or nail clippings. See also witchcraft.
Most early religious practices and much early art were rooted in beliefs in magical processes. There are similarities between magic and the use of symbolism in religious ritual. Under Christianity existing magical rites were either suppressed (although they survived in modified form in folk custom and superstition) or replaced by those of the church itself. Those still practising the ancient rites were persecuted as witches.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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