Laute prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Laute | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

Zupfinstrument pers.-arab. Herkunft, heute mit 6 Saiten; im 14. Jh. über Spanien u. Italien nach Europa gekommen. Der Schallkörper ist bauchig; an seiner Spitze ist der mit Bünden versehene Hals angesetzt, der oben den abgeknickten Wirbelkasten trägt.
(arab.)Saiteninstrument mit bauchigem Resonanzkörper und kurzem Hals. Die aus dem Orient stammende L. gelangte im 15. Jh. über Spanien nach Europa und war in der frühen Neuzeit als Begleitinstrument sehr populär.

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Laut · Ruf · Rufe
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Luting, mixture of cement and clay used to seal joints in pipes, etc.(Homonym: loot).
1. A plucked instrument having a pear-shaped body, a usually bent neck, and a fretted fingerboard.
2. A substance for packing a joint or coating a porous surface to make it impervious to gas or liquid; SYN. luting.
Member of a family of stringed musical instruments of the 14th–18th century, including the mandore, theorbo, and chitarrone. Lutes are pear-shaped with up to seven courses of strings (
single or double), plucked with the fingers. Music for lutes is written in special notation called tablature and chords are played simultaneously, not arpeggiated as for guitar. Modern lutenists include Julian Bream and Anthony Rooley (1944–).
Members of the lute family were used both as solo instruments and for vocal accompaniment, and were often played in addition to, or instead of, keyboard instruments in larger ensembles and in opera.
The notation of lute music, tablature, uses a stave made up of six lines rather than the normal five and letters rather than notes. Of the 13 or 14 strings on a lute, six can be held down against the keyboard like a guitar, whilst the remainder are bass notes which are played by the thumb. The six lines on the stave represent the six strings. The letters of the alphabet indicate which fret the string must be held down against. The bass notes are shown by letters and numbers, and curved lines across the top of the stave are used to represent the rhythm.
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Läute | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika
Glocke · Klingel · Schelle
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ETYM AS. belle, from bellan to bellow. Related to Bellow.
(Homonym: bel, Bel, belle).
1. A hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when stru
2. The shape of a bell; SYN. bell shape, campana.
3. The sound of a bell.
4. The flared opening of a tubular device.
5. (Nautical) Each of the eight half-hour units of nautical time signaled by strokes of a ship's bell; eight bells signals 4:00, 8:00, or 12:00 o'clock, either a.m. or p.m.; SYN. ship's bell.
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