Lintwurm prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Lintwurm | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Lindwurm, in der germ. Sage ein dem Drachen ähnl. Ungeheuer, das Schätze bewacht.



A lindworm (called lindorm in Scandinavia and Lindwurm in Germany; the name consists of two Germanic roots meaning roughly) is a large serpent-like dragon from European mythology and folklore. Legends report either two or no legs. In Nordic and Germanic heraldry, the lindworm is the same as a wyvern, even though the folkloric lindworm lack wings. Lindworms were supposedly very large and ate cattle and bodies, sometimes invading churchyards and eating the dead from cemeteries.
The creature is also called a Lindworm snake. However, it could also be known as the and the sighting of one was thought to be an exceptional sign of good luck. The shed skin of a lindworm was believed to greatly increase a person's knowledge about nature and medicine.
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