Lichtwellenleiter prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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muški rodtelekomunikacije

Eiterung der Lichtimpulse. Das gelingt mit der Gradientenfaser u. mit der Einmodenfaser. Die hohe Übertragungskapazität (rd. 100 000 Telefongespräche oder 20 Fernsehprogramme mit einer Faser) u. die völlige Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber äußeren elektromagnet. Einflüssen machen opt. Nachrichtenkabel zum idealen Übertragungsmedium der modernen Telekommunikation. In der Medizin werden L. u. a. für Endoskope u. für flexible Laserskalpelle eingesetzt.

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fiber-optic cable


A form of cable used in networks that transmits signals optically, rather than electrically as do coaxial and twisted-pair cable. The light-conducting heart of a fiberoptic cable is a fine glass or plastic fiber called the core. This core is surrounded by a refractive layer called the cladding that effectively traps the light and keeps it bouncing along the central fiber. Outside both the core and the cladding is a final layer of plastic or plastic-like material called the coat, or jacket. Fiberoptic cable can transmit clean signals at speeds as high as 2 Gbps. Because it transmits light, not electricity, it is also immune to eavesdropping.
A cable made of optical fibers that can transmit large amounts of information at the speed of light; SYN. fibre optic cable.
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optical fiber


A thin strand of transparent material used to carry optical signals. Optical fibers are constructed from special kinds of glass and plastic, and they are designed so that a beam of light introduced at one end will remain within the fiber, reflecting off the inner surfaces as it travels down the length of the fiber. Optical fibers are inexpensive, compact, and lightweight and are often packaged many hundred to a single cable. See also fiber optics.
A hair-thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light; used in bundles to transmit images; SYN. glass fiber, optical fibre, glass fibre.
Very fine, optically pure glass fiber through which light can be reflected to transmit an image or information from one end to the other. Optical fibers are increasingly being used to replace copper wire in telephone cables, the messages being coded as pulses of light rather than a fluctuating electric current.
Bundles of optical fibers are also used in endoscopes to inspect otherwise inaccessible parts of machines or of the living body (see endoscopy).
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glass fiber · glass fibre · optical fibre

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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