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Le Corbusier

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Eigtl. Charles Édouard Jeanneret, frz.-schweizer. Architekt, Städteplaner und Maler, La Chaux-de-Fonds 6.10.1887, +Roquebrune-Cap-Martin 27.8.1965, Hauptmeister der modernen Baukunst, zuerst als Graphiker ausgebildet in der Kunstschule von La Chaux-de-Fonds unter L'Eplattenier, begann um 1905 das Architekturstudium, lernte bei J. Hoffmann in Wien und arbeitete 1908/1909 bei A. Perret in Paris, 1911/12 bei P. Behrens in Berlin, lebte seit 1917 in Paris; stand dem Kubismus nahe, gründete 1920 mit Ozenfant die Zeitschrift 'L'Esprit nouveau', in der er für die künstler. Richtung des 'Purismus' eintrat, wobei ihn die Absicht leitete, den Kubismus vor allen dekorativen Tendenzen zu schützen. In seinen seit ca. 1922 entstandenen Bauten, in Zusammenarbeit mit seinem Vetter Pierre Jeanneret, entwickelte er einen neuen Wohnbaustil: aus kub. Elementen zusammengesetzte Häuser mit flachem Dach, großen Fenstern, keinerlei Ornamentteilen, sachlich klar und verstandesmäßig gegliedert.

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Le Corbusier

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French architect; see Le Corbusier.Assumed name of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (1887-1965)
Swiss-born French architect. He was an early and influential exponent of the Modern Movement and one of the most innovative of 20th-century architects. His distinct brand of Functionalism first appears in his town-planning proposals of the early 1920s, which advocate “vertical garden cities” with zoning of living and working areas and traffic separation as solutions to urban growth and chaos. From the 1940s several of his designs for multistory villas were realized, notably his Unité d’habitation, Marseilles, 1947–52 (now demolished), using his Modulor system of sta
ndard-sized units mathematically calculated according to the proportions of the human figure (see Fibonacci, golden section).
His white-stuccoed, Cubist-style villas of the 1920s were designed as “machines for living in”, making the most of space and light through open-plan interiors, use of pilotis (stilts carrying the building), and roof gardens. He moved on to a more expressive mode (anticipating Brutalism) with rough, unfinished exteriors, as in the Ministry of Education, Rio de Janeiro, 1936–45, designed with Lucio Costa (1902– ) and Oscar Niemeyer. In the reconstruction period after World War II, Le Corbusier’s urbanization theories were highly influential, disseminated through the work of the urban planning body CIAM, although only in the gridlike layout of the new city of Chandigarh, India, 1951–56, was he able to see his visions of urban zoning fully realized. His sculptural design for the church of Notre-Dame du Haut du Ronchamp 1950–54, worked out in the minutest detail, is a supreme example of esthetic Functionalism.
Le Corbusier was originally a painter and engraver, but turned his attention to the problems of contemporary industrial society. His books Vers une Architecture/Towards a New Architecture 1923 and Le Modulor 1948 have had worldwide significance for town planning and building design.
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