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Wörtlich: Auf dem Schoß • Computer, der so klein und leicht konzipiert ist, daß er wie eine Aktentasche transportiert und auf dem Schoß bedient werden kann. Der besonders flache Bildschirm bei den Laptops wird durch LCD-, DSTN-, HPA-, TFT-Technik oder Plasmabildschirm realisiert. Zwischenzeitlich wurde der Laptop durch das noch handlichere Notebook ersetzt, und die Handhelds befinden sich am Ende des Jahrtausends in den Startlöchern.
Kunstwort aus engl. Lap (Schoß) u. Desk-Top (Schreibtisch) für leichte, tragbare, zeitweilig netzunabhängige Computer, mit einem klappbaren, auch als Deckel dienenden LCD- oder Plasma-Flachbildschirm.

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A small, portable personal computer that runs on either batteries or AC power, designed for use during travel. Laptops have flat LCD or plasma screens and small keyboards. Most can run the same software as their desktop counterparts and can accept similar peripherals, such as sound cards, internal or external modems, floppy disks, and CD-ROM drives. Some laptops are designed to be plugged into a docking station, effectively making them desktop computers. Most have connectors for plugging in external keyboards and full-sized monitors. Older laptops weighed as much as 15 pounds; current laptops can weigh as little as 5 pounds without peripherals. While notebook is the current term for ultralight portable computers, these machines are also commonly referred to as laptops. See also portable computer. Compare subnotebook computer.
A computer small enough to use in one's lap; SYN. laptop computer. lap-top
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laptop computer


Portable microcomputer, small enough to be used on the operator's lap. It consists of a single unit, incorporating a keyboard, floppy disc or hard disc drives, and a screen. The screen often forms a lid that folds back in use. It uses a liquid-crystal or gas-plasma display, rather than the bulkier and heavier cathode-ray tubes found in most display terminals. A typical laptop computer measures about 210 x 297 mm/8.3 x 11.7 in (A4), is 5 cm/2 in thick, and weighs less than 3 kg/6 lb 9 oz. + prikaži više


portable computer


A personal computer that can easily be carried by hand.
Any computer designed to be moved easily. Portable computers can be characterized by size and weight.
Computer that can be carried from place to place. The term embraces a number of very different computers—from those that would be carried only with some reluctance to those, such as l
aptop computers and notebook computers, that can be comfortably carried and used in transit.
- Transportable- weight 15-30 lb, house current, Someteimes called luggable; usually has floppy and harddrives; standard CRT screen.
- Laptop- weight 8-15 lb, house current or batteries, Can be held on the lap; usually has a floppy drive; uses flat LCD or plasma screen.
- Ultralight- weight 2-8 lb, batteries of transformer pack, Easy to carry in a briefcase; sometimes uses RAM drive or EPROM instead of floppy or hard drive; thinner models are known as notebook computers.
- Handheld- less than 2 lb, batteries of transformer pack, also called palmtop or palm-sized; can be held in one hand.
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