Kodex prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Kodex | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Ursprüngl. Bez. für ein Buch aus zusammengebundenen, mit Wachs überzogenen Holztafeln oder Pergamentblä
ttern, die zw. Pappdeckeln eingeheftet waren; später allg. Bez. für Handschriftensammlung, bes. Gesetzsammlung (z.B. Codex Justinianus).
2. Verhaltenskodex) ungeschriebenes Gesetz, das Verhalten in bestimmten gesellschaftl. Gruppen betreffend.

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ETYM Latin See Code.
An unbound manuscript of some ancient classic.
Collection of ancient manuscripts, especially Biblical.
Book from before the invention of printing: in ancient times wax-coated wooden tablets; later, folded sheets of parchment were attached to the boa
rds, then bound together. The name “codex” was used for all large works, collections of history, philosophy, poetry, and during the Roman Empire designated collections of laws. During the 2nd century AD codices began to replace the earlier rolls in the West. They were widely used by the medieval Christian church to keep records, from about 1200 onward.
Various codices record Mexican Indian civilizations just after the time of the Spanish Conquest about 1520. The Codex Juris Canonici/Code of Canon Law is the body of laws governing the Roman Catholic Church since 1918.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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