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ženski rodgramatika

fleischiger, sehr nährstoffreicher, gewöhnl. unterird. Pflanzenteil (meist Stengelstück) zur vegetativen Fortpflanzung.
fleischig verdicktes pflanzl. Organ, das der Speicherung von Nährstoffen u. z. T. auch der vegetativen Vermehrung dient.

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ETYM Latin bulbus, Greek bolbos: cf. French bulbe.
1. A modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure.
2. A rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or
vessel or organ.
3. A rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end).
Underground bud with fleshy leaves containing a reserve food supply and with roots growing from its base. Bulbs function in vegetative reproduction and are characteristic of many monocotyledonous plants such as the daffodil, snowdrop, and onion. Bulbs are grown on a commercial scale in temperate countries, such as England and the Netherlands.
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ETYM Latin, a hump. knob; probably akin to tumere to swell. Related to Tumid.
Type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles; Also called: genus Tuber.
Swollen region of an underground stem or root, usually modified for storing food. The potato is a stem tu
ber, as shown by the presence of terminal and lateral buds, the “eyes” of the potato. Root tubers, for example dahlias, developed from adventitious roots (growing from the stem, not from other roots) lack these. Both types of tuber can give rise to new individuals and so provide a means of vegetative reproduction.
Unlike a bulb, a tuber persists for one season only; new tubers developing on a plant in the following year are formed in different places. See also rhizome.
Fleshy underground stem, as potato.
A fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage.
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ženski rodsleng, dijalekt
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