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ženski rodgramatika

noch nicht voll entwickelte Sproßspitze höherer Pflanzen. Je nach Art der Organe, die aus einer K. hervorgehen, werden Laub-, Blüten- und gemischte K. unterschieden.
bei Pflanzen die noch nicht voll entwickelte, von Blattanlagen umschlossene Sproßspitze; zur Überwinterung oft noch von derben K.nschuppen umhüllt; Blatt-K. enthalten nur junge Blattanlagen, Blüten-K. nur Anlagen von Blüten.

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Auge · Gemma
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ETYM Old Eng. budde; cf. Dutch bot, German butze, butz, the core of a fruit, bud, LG. butte in hagebutte, hainbutte, a hip of the dog-rose, or Old Fren. boton, French bouton, bud, button, Old Fren. boter to bud, push. Related to Button.
Undeveloped shoot usually enclos
ed by protective scales; inside is a very short stem and numerous undeveloped leaves, or flower parts, or both. Terminal buds are found at the tips of shoots, while axillary buds develop in the axils of the leaves, often remaining dormant unless the terminal bud is removed or damaged. Adventitious buds may be produced anywhere on the plant, their formation sometimes stimulated by an injury, such as that caused by pruning.
1. A partially opened flower.
2. A swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals.
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(Homonym: I, aye).
The organ of sight ('peeper' is an informal term for 'eye'); SYN. oculus, optic, peeper.
The organ of vision. In the human eye, the light is focused by the combined action of the curved cornea, the internal fluids, and the lens. The insect eye is compound—made up of many separate facets—known as ommatidia, each of which collects light and directs it separately to a receptor to build u
p an image. Invertebrates have much simpler eyes, with no lenses. Among mollusks, cephalopods have complex eyes similar to those of vertebrates.
The mantis shrimp's eyes contain ten color pigments with which to perceive color; some flies and fishes have five, while the human eye has only three.
Human eye.
This is a roughly spherical structure contained in a bony socket. Light enters it through the cornea, and passes through the circular opening (pupil) in the iris (the colored part of the eye).
The ciliary muscles act on the lens (the rounded transparent structure behind the iris) to change its shape, so that images of objects at different distances can be focused on the retina. This is at the back of the eye, and is packed with light-sensitive cells (rods and cones), connected to the brain by the optic nerve.
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